How to Help a Child’s Fear of the Dentist

Little girl riding a trike with parents helping from behind.

It is natural for children to be afraid of things that are unfamiliar to them, even something as fun as riding a bike! Is your child afraid of going to the dentist’s office? This is quite a common issue with young patients. Many adults also deal with dental anxiety! The good news is there are plenty of strategies you can try as a parent to help alleviate your child’s fear so they can build healthy dental habits in the years to come.

Stay Positive

When talking about the dentist, make sure you stay positive. Avoid using any scary-sounding words like “pain,” “surgery,” or “drill.” Whether you’re talking about your treatment or your child’s, these words heard by young ears can make the dental office seem pretty frightening. If you’ve had negative dental experiences in the past, be careful about sharing those with your child. You don’t want to pass on your concerns to them.

Play Pretend

Before it’s time for your child to go in for their dental appointment, consider a game of pretend. In the familiarity of your home you can walk them through what they’re going to experience at our Elk Grove office. For example, you can pretend to be a dentist teaching them about their teeth. Show them how to brush and hold up a mirror like dental hygienists normally do. Alternatively, you can let your child pretend to be the dentist who’s taking care of their stuffed animal or doll’s teeth. Either way, they’ll become more familiar with the general process.

Read Dental Books for Kids

Switch up the normal bedtime story routine and read your child a colorful picture book related to dental care. There are lots of children’s books available at public libraries that are designed to show kids how fun and important visiting the dentist is, and what it means to have good oral hygiene. With these fun stories in the back of their mind, a dental visit can seem far less intimidating.

Family Dental Care at Villa Vista Dental

If you’re still having trouble getting your child to feel comfortable at a dental office, please feel free to reach out to us at Villa Vista Dental. We see patients young and old at our inviting Elk Grove practice, and we’re happy to help you figure out the best way to ease your child’s concerns. Call or email us today!

We want your child to feel comfortable at the dentist!